Alternative Name
Queen of Bavaria's Conure
Scientific Name: Aratinga guarouba
Basic Info
Growing to about 14 inches in length, Golden Conures are incredibly beautiful. They are golden with a bright splashed color that looks like it would glow in the dark! Their horn-colored beaks are quite large, and they do show the white periopthalmic ring typical of Conures. The only color on a Golden Conure that is not gold is seen on their green flight feathers. The feet are flesh colored and the iris is dark brown.
owers, seeds and buds in addition to vitamin and mineral supplements like salt. In captivity, Golden Conures do best when kept in pairs or groups. They need an outdoor aviary with access to an indoor, heated area. They do need lots of hiding places and undergrowth in their aviaries for playing and hiding. Golden Conures are particularly susceptible to cold-related disorders and should never be kept below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Until they are acclimated, they should remain above 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Golden Conure aviaries should be at least 12 feet by six feet by six feet. Be sure to keep your Golden Conure amused, as they are prone to plucking their own feathers as well as the feathers of their flock mates. This may be caused by protein or mineral deficiencies as well as boredom, so you will need to consult with a veterinarian experienced in Conure care if it occurs.
In the wild, Golden Conures breed from November through February. In captivity, they are ready breeders when provided with a nesting box in a dark, private corner. Also, be sure that warmth and humidity are present. The nesting box should have a seven-inch diameter entryway and the box itself should be nine inches by 16 inches by 12 inches. Golden Conures are very sensitive about disturbing during mating and will often become aggressive. Tilt the nesting box so the Conures do not accidentally break their eggs upon entering and leaving. Both sexes sit on the eggs, which incubate for about 23 days. The clutch size is three to five eggs. Newly hatched Golden Conures are white and downy. After a few weeks, the down darkens and flight feathers begin to develop. After about seven weeks, young Golden Conures fledge and soon after, adults will kick them out of the nest and breed again. In the wild, the male guards the nest while the female sits on the eggs. After the young have fledged, the entire family of Golden Conures will remain together until they join a flock. The entire United States population springs from about 20 Golden Conures, so genetic diversity is a concern. Golden Conures reach sexual maturity at around three years. Immature Golden Conures' plumage is washed with green, and they do not acquire adult plumage until about 20 months of age.
Live in dryer regions of the rainforest along watercourses
Golden Conures are so kind and loving that they will adopt orphaned Conures and raise them as their own! Tragically, these beautiful birds are fast disappearing from the wild.
In the wild, Golden Conures live in small groups or pairs. The love to play in the tops of the forest trees, and flit from tree to tree, using their beaks to help them climb! Golden Conures are quite amiable and when feeding will associate with other types of parrots. Golden Conures have even been seen to adopt unrelated chicks and raise them as their own! They are quite noisy and have shrill voices. In captivity, Golden Conures do best when kept in pairs or groups. They need an outdoor aviary with access to an indoor, heated area. Golden Conures do not bathe or chew as much or as often as other Conures. They do need lots of hiding places and undergrowth in their aviaries for playing and hiding. Golden Conures are very curious and affectionate, and get bored easily. They need lots of toys in addition to plenty of playtime and cuddletime to keep them amused.
Native to Brazil, Golden Conures are scarce in aviculture although they are gaining in popularity. They are also known as the Queen of Bavaria Conure and live in dryer regions of the rainforest along watercourses. First noted by Gmelin in 1788, Golden Conures are endangered in the wild due to habitat loss. They are also becoming extinct because of exportation for the pet trade, made illegal in 1973, and because farmers believe they threaten crops and shoot them. They are extensively bred in captive conservation programs and it is not advisable to keep scarce wild-caught birds. At any rate, captive-bred Golden Conures make more affectionate, healthier pets than do wild-caught Conures.
Common Foods
In the wild, they eat insects and larvae, seeds, nuts and fruits. You should feed your Golden Conure a variety of vegetables, dried shrimp, flowers, seeds and buds in addition to vitamin and mineral supplements like salt.